Leeds Beckett University

A Study of 360° Video as a Learning Tool for Filmmaking

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posted on 2023-03-14, 12:36 authored by Danielle Jayne MilleaDanielle Jayne Millea
Filmmaking is an inherently practical area of study, especially the production process. Not all students can access film school for monetary, location and health issues. Options without schooling are online in the form of tutorial videos. 360° video can have a more interactive approach than 2D videos, books and more traditional learning tools, and the technology can enhance learning and promote self-guided learning in this practical subject. Using constructivist grounded theory methodology through cyclic testing of mixed method data collection via six participant survey rounds, this study aims to create 360° video content and a proven technical workflow to see if 360° technology can aid practical filmmaking study. Using an online hub, www.filmschool360.com, a variety of 360° videos were shot and amended to create the theory that 360° video can aid students learning practical filmmaking online. The 360˚ videos and hub were examined through survey data from filmmaking students, alumni, academics, film school staff and professionals and re-drafted several times to reduce the content to its most effective. The data found 360° videos to be interesting, informative and immersive. The audio was found to be just as important as the visuals. Direction within a 360° video is essential for learners, so overlaid elements were tested. Adding finished shots of scenes are a way of formalising the process. The videos were found to be extremely useful for those who miss sessions or find it hard to learn actively or in a class environment. They can provide an accessible learning method for those with disabilities and have no barrier in the cases of gender or ethnicity. Short five-minute videos are better for focus and the ability to use one film resource to teach multiple processes reduces creation time and costs for educators. One 360° video has the potential for freedom of learning through unique viewpoints. The option given to the viewer to freely navigate the video also empowers that learner and enhances their self-guided learning skills, skills used throughout their learning life. The bridge between traditional learning and online learning can be opened using 360° video, which has not been used in filmmaking education before, making this research unique in its field.


Qualification name

  • PhD


Steven Gerrard

Awarding Institution

Leeds Beckett University

Completion Date


Qualification level

  • Doctoral


  • eng


Leeds Beckett University

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