Leeds Beckett University

An Investigation and Evaluation of Pre-employment Discriminatory Practices in Lagos State Private Sector

posted on 2023-01-04, 14:13 authored by Esther AdebiyiEsther Adebiyi

This study adopts a pragmatic and socio-legal perspective in ascertaining and analysing the occurrence of discrimination in recruitment and selection practices in the Lagos State private sector, primarily from the perspectives of job seekers. It explores whether job seekers in Lagos State find the primary recruitment and selection methods, job advertisements, and job interviews discriminatory during their job application processes. Fundamental to this investigation is identifying the different discriminatory requirements present in job advertisements and job interviews that negatively impact and limit job seekers' employment opportunities. 

The study augments and builds on existing limited empirically informed research on Human Resources Management issues in Nigeria and explores how recruitments and selections are being practised in Lagos State. This thesis also investigates how culture plays a significant factor in influencing discrimination and what specific discriminatory requirements in job advertisements and job interviews are formed and shaped by the culture in Nigeria. 

Alongside this, a central focus is the recognition and exploration of section 42 of the Nigerian Constitution 1999 (as amended 2011), which is the apex law prohibiting discrimination in Nigeria. It evaluates the various challenges of section 42 and assesses the section's effectiveness in protecting job seekers from discrimination when exercising their right to seek adequate employment. 

The study concludes that for as long as discrimination takes precedence over merit and remains the basis for employment in Lagos State, competitive advantage, a fundamental objective of why organisations are established, will continue to elude the private sector. Taking account of this context, this thesis makes recommendations to mitigate the occurrence of discrimination in pre-employment practices in the private sector of Lagos State, Nigeria.


Qualification name

  • PhD


Repyeuski, Pavel ; Ashley, Louisa

Awarding Institution

Leeds Beckett University

Completion Date


Qualification level

  • Doctoral


  • eng


Leeds Beckett University

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