posted on 2022-11-15, 15:36authored bySamson Agbodiona Aiyejuro
The search for factors influencing prices of shares is one area of modern economic
research that is being studied most intensively especially in view of recurring
crashes in different capital markets.
This study aims to establish factors that led to crash of prices of shares on the
Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) in 2008 as well as determinant of such prices in the
emerging capital market. The research is based on regression analysis, analytical
review of financial statements of some of the Companies quoted on NSE, and a
survey of randomly selected investors in the market.
The regression analysis shows that prices of shares on NSE largely depend on
returns on other investment options and dividends. It further shows that contrary to
a priori expectation, prices of shares are inversely related to exchange rate, and
notably, output growth.
Analytical review of sampled financial statements shows that prices of shares
responded to the related entities’ earnings report as contained in the financial
statements. It further shows the need to look beyond just the figures.
Survey analysis re-affirms a strong relationship between dividend payment by the
entities listed on the NSE and their share prices. It however, shows that financial
position of the entities is not a significant factor impacting prices of shares in the
The general conclusions of this study are that prices of shares in the market
responded mainly to returns on other investment options and dividend payments by
the quoted entities. This realization led to manipulations of financial statements and
declaration of dividends even when the true state of affairs of the entities did not
support same. It was the widespread of this practice aided by the weak regulatory
environment and speculative buying of shares by unsuspecting investors that led to
eventual crash in the NSE in 2008.